Biology Investigations (3rd edition) : IB Biology Investigations - Volume 1 - Core -Photocopy masters

Billiet, Paul, 2008
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Verfasser Billiet, Paul Wikipedia
Systematik 570 - Biologie
Schlagworte Investigations, A Model Cell, Using The Micrometer Eyepiece, Animal Cells Seen Under The Light Microscope, Plant Cells Seen Under The Light Microscope, Comparing The Relative Water Potential of Two Plan, Comparing Three Methods of Estimating The Water Po, Factors Affecting Cell Membrane Permeability, Menbrane Function, Preparing A Root Tip Squash To Study Mitotic Cell , The Effect of Enzyme Concentration on The Rate of , Extracting Proteases From Pineapple and Papaya, The Action of Lipase and Bile on Milk, Leaf Pigments, Their Extraction and Separation, Using A Spectroscope To Study Leaf Pigments, Light Intensity And The Rate of Photosynthesis, Gene Expression And Its Consequences, The Genetics of The Fruit Fly, Distribution and Diversity of Benthic Invertebrate, Feeding Relationships in a Fresh Water Ecosystem, Measuring The Relative Density of Invertebrates Al, The Effect of Temperature on the Heart Beat of Dap, The Effect of Temperature on the Enzyme Amylase, The Effect of pH on the Activity of a Proteolytiv , The Effect of Temperature on the Enzyme Rennin, Factors Affecting the Action of the Enzyme Amylase, Counting Red Blood Cells, Teaching Notes for each Investigation, IBDiploma
Verlag IBID Press
Ort Sydney
Jahr 2008
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Paul Billiet
Exemplare Standort
6156 Lehrerzimmer; 570, Bill


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